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Submagic leverages AI to transform video editing, streamlining the creation of professional-quality content with ease and efficiency.


  • Automated Captions: Enhances accessibility and viewer engagement.
  • Dynamic Transitions: Seamlessly connects scenes with professional transitions.
  • Auto-Zoom: Automatically focuses on key moments.
  • Automatic B-Roll Insertion: Adds visual interest with relevant footage.
  • Strategic Video Cuts: Ensures logical and engaging flow.
  • Custom Soundtracks: Integrates tailored sound effects and music.


  • Reduces editing time and effort.
  • Increases viewer engagement through high-quality production.
  • Improves accessibility with accurate captions.
  • Enhances the aesthetic appeal of videos.


Submagic is a powerful tool for content creators looking to elevate their video projects with minimal effort. By automating key aspects of the editing process, Submagic allows creators to focus on creativity and storytelling.

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